Moderation Commands:

-ban: bans a user
-kick: kicks a user
-poll: makes a poll
-serverinfo: gives a list of server information  
-purge: clears a specified amount of messages
-nick: changes someone’s nickname 

Other Commands:
-av: sends an image of your profile picture
-suggest: makes a server suggestion
-invite: gives you a link to invite the bot to a server
-site: gives you the link to Zorbz’s website
-servericon: Gives you the server’s image
-serverid: gives you the ID of the current server you’re in 
-help: gives you a list of commands
-fun: gives you a list of random fun commands
-created: gives you the creation date of a user, channel, role, etc by using it’s ID
-vote: links all the bot vote sites Zorbz is on

Fun Commands: 